Defenders of New Zealand & Maori History
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Defenders of New Zealand & Maori History
651 documenti
Defenders of NZ & Maori History. T. W. Gudgeon and McDonnel. 1887. This book comprises of two sections. A biographical record of New Zealand colonialist defenders, by Thos. Wayth Gudgeon, and an account of the war from a native perspective by Lieutenant-Colonel McDonnell, as well as including portraits and colour drawings.</p><p>The larger part of the book: &apos;The Defenders of New Zealand&apos; is a &apos;short biography of colonialists who distinguished themselves in upholding her Majesty&apos;s supremacy in these islands&apos;.<br><br> It briefly examines the lives of many early New Zealand colonialists and gives an account of their role in the Maori Wars. Almost all of the biographies are accompanied by a sketched portrait.</p><p>The second section is written by Lieutenant-Colonel McDonnell, for Kowhia Ngutu Kaka, a Maori Chief. It is an account of early colonisation from the chief&apos;s perspective. McDonnell has simply repeated his view point and has &apos;studiously avoided giving my own impressions. What I have written are merely Maori ideas, and what I know to be such&apos;. Also included is a list of New Zealand medal receivers.</p><p>This book therefore gives a very accurate account of early colonisation in New Zealand and the Maori wars from both the colonialist, and the Maori perspectives. A fascinating and extremely useful record for New Zealand family, local and war historians.</p>