Hungary, Jewish Census, 1848 from JewishGen
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Hungary, Jewish Census, 1848 from JewishGen
103.075 documenti
This collection contains records from the Hungarian Jewish census of 1848, designed to survey Jews living within the Kingdom of Hungary. Records typically include names, birth years and places, ages, information about the residence, and relatives in the household.<br> <br>This collection has been provided to MyHeritage by JewishGen, Inc., an independent organization, which retains all rights, title, and interest in the data. © 2021 JewishGen, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit <a href="" target="blank">JewishGen</a> for more information and to search its database.<br><br>The census contains only Jewish people, with the exception of any non-Jewish domestic help. The census covered all the counties of the Kingdom of Hungary, which included modern-day Hungary as well as certain areas in modern-day Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine.
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